Current News

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Their Future is Bright!

January 2025 - Teacher Petronila Sitawa has been with NMS since opening day January 12, 2009. She witnesses the daily impact NMS has on students' lives from providing for their education, their healthcare needs, to their nutrition and balanced diet. Students are supported through guidance and counseling, peer support, and faith. Sponsored and vulnerable children are all treated equally to ensure that their needs are met fully ... [ more ]

Innovation at NMS’s Farm – Black Soldier Flies

January 2025 - NMS is always looking for ways to support the students. The Farm at NMS is a great source of nutrition from the eggs the chicken's lay to the milk the cow's produce to the vegetables grown. They nourish the children and given them a balance diet while also providing extra income for the school with local sales. The community is a beneficiary of the Farm through both employment opportunities and fresh produce ... [ more ]

Summer Visit to Nambale Magnet School
July 2024 - by John Gill, WIKS-USA President - I made my fourth visit to Nambale Magnet School (NMS) this past July. As always, it evoked a range of emotions and impressions. The stark rural poverty of western Kenya where NMS is located is a fact of everyday life. The stories of many of our sponsored children and their families are frankly gut-wrenching. And the cycle of poverty at the macro level is no closer to being broken in this region of Kenya than it was two decades ago when the idea of building NMS was germinating ... [ more ]

Current Economic and Political Realities in Kenya

July 2024 - by John Gill, President, WIKS-USA - During the course of my recent trip to Kenya, I tried to gain a better understanding of the current situation there. There were a number of demonstrations across the country during my two-week stay over tax policies and the government's management of its budget and the overall economy ... [ more ]

Two NMS Testimonials
Listen to Rewards and Mukanda as they share the transformative impact Nambale Magnet School has had on their lives. Each was treated as equals with the other students despite their poverty. With exceptional exam results, both have gone on to higher education and done well. Rewards and Mukanda express their deep gratitude for NMS and all ... [ more ]

Moses’s Story of Hope
Moses and his mother, Rose, share the hope that NMS has given them for the future. Rose's husband died when she was very young and left her with the 4 children to raise. Moses attended NMS for 11 years and is now a second-year high school student at Nambale Boys School. Rose greatly appreciates ... [ more ]

Meet Elinora
NMS's social worker, Carolyn Olaka learned about Elinora from another teacher at her former school. Elinora is a bright learner, but was facing a number of challenges. Not being able to afford books or uniforms, she would also miss school when she needed to take care of her mother who is paralyzed from the waist down ... [ more ]

Celebrating Founder's Week
May 24, 2024 - Celebrating Founder's Week and Rev. Evalyn Wakhusama's Birthday! In honor of our beloved founder, Rev. Evalyn Wakhusama, and to celebrate her birthday, the students at Nambale Magnet School came together for a special day of giving back ... [ more ]

A Life-Changing Trip to the Nambale Magnet School

Spring 2023 - My name is Sarah Elconin. Last summer I was a high school graduate on a gap year, and in August and September spent time at the Nambale Magnet School in Kenya. The school is near the Uganda border, a two-hour car ride from the nearest airport in Kisumu and two hours from Victoria Falls. There were many notable things about my time at the school ... [ more ]

Student Stories: Meet David

Summer 2023 - David is currently in Grade Six. The fifth of seven children, he came to the Nambale Magnet School in 2019 from St. Lawrence Ojamoong in Okilidu Village. David tells us, "I am grateful for the opportunity to study at NMS. Before I came here, I would go to school barefoot and with an empty stomach ... [ more ]

Successes at the Nambale Magnet School

Summer 2023 - Nambale Magnet School has managed to continue operating effectively thanks to ongoing support from donors; belt tightening within the NMS administration; and the willingness of parents to sacrifice for their children's tuition due to the excellent performance by the school. Amid the challenging environment described above, NMS students have continued to excel ... [ more ]

Groups Visiting NMS

Summer 2023 - With COVID travel restrictions finally lifted, NMS was able to welcome two enthusiastic groups of visitors from America for the first time in over five years. These included visits from California and Connecticut ... [ more ]

Will You Make A Visit to Nambale?

Summer 2023 - Evalyn Wakhusama has noted that both the California and Connecticut groups were welcomed and appreciated by both NMS staff and students. They look forward to hosting other visitors in the future. Groups of 10-15 are ideal although in the case of largely student groups, they can accommodate a few more.  John Gill, President of WIKS-USA is tentatively planning to lead at least one trip, and possibly a second smaller one in 2024 ... [ more ]

Challenges: Economic and Political Environment

Summer 2023 - A year after winning election by a razor-thin margin, President Ruto's administration continues to struggle to deliver on campaign promises. He has failed to reign in prices of staple goods or to unifying the country; surging inflation and widespread protests, some violent, have marked the summer months ... [ more ]

From the Ashes: A New Building Emerges!

November 2, 2022 - As many will recall, shortly after the school reopened from its COVID closure, the Nambale Magnet School suffered a devasting fire that destroyed the boy's dorm that housed 150 students. Mercifully, no one was hurt, and our generous supporters sprang into action to assist in the triage and support the rebuilding of the wing ... [ more ]

Computer Science at the Nambale Magnet School

September 16, 2022 - The Nambale Magnet School is both investing in and embracing technology. The current infrastructure makes it possible to introduce coding lessons in the school facility under the ICT department.  NMS has partnered with Kodris Africa and trained our ICT Academic teacher on coding which is supposed to commence immediately when the school reopens next year for lessons ... [ more ]

Nambale Magnet Students Attend Journalism Symposium

September 1, 2022 - Children of the Nambale Magnet School gain experience from a Kenya newspaper and come out on top in competition!   Grade 8 students were able to get experience and a one-on-one audience with news editors from a national newspaper called Taifa Leo. The newspaper promotes Kiswahili language by offering creating and training on Insha (composition) in Swahili ... [ more ]

Namable Magnet School Students Excel Again!

April 20, 2022 – Once again the Nambale Magnet School is celebrating the results of Kenya's National High School Qualifying Exams. This year marked the 5th time that the school has sent its 8th graders to take the arduous three-day long exams. The class consisted of 48 very determined and competitive students. [ more ]

Nambale Magnet School's Micro Economy: The Farm

February 1, 2022 - In our series that looks into the many facets of the Nambale Magnet School, we highlight the school's micro economy and its connection to hands-on real-life learning. We introduce you to Michael Matete. Michael supervises the schools farm production unit. This includes the crops, dairy unit, chicken facility and the pigsty. Michael hails from the Nambale area and enjoys seeing the students understand the natural world and learn ways to cultivate sustainability ... [ more ]

Nambale Magnet School Hires Business Manager

January 15, 2022 - Meet Barbra Alado Omeri! - Barbra just signed on as Business Manager for the Nambale Magnet School. As business manager, Barbra is tasked to increase the efficiency of the school's operations ... [ more ]

Nambale Magnet School Student Body Returns for the First Time Since COVID Closing

January 7, 2021 -  The Nambale Magnet School students are so happy to return to school. During the school closure, many of these children suffered extreme conditions of lack of nutrition and proper sanitation for bathing and washing. This was the heart-breaking result of removing these children from the safest environment they know ... [ more ]

Twelve Years of Educating and Nurturing!

November 1, 2021 - This year the Nambale Magnet School celebrated twelve years of educating and nurturing the most vulnerable children of Western Kenya. In 2016, the first NMS graduating class transitioned to high school and 100% of these students (and of all the graduating classes since then) have gone on to high school! This is an unparalleled statistic compared to most Kenyan schools.  What is more significant is that the top position of this graduating class was a tie between a male and female student ... [ more ]

Competency Based Agriculture Curriculum

October 15, 2021 - Farming is part of the identity of the Nambale Magnet School. The farm instills in the student population a sense of duty, responsibility and value for food security.  The farm is the foundation for agribusiness which is an important facet of the culture of rural Kenya. This offers also another vocational avenue of exploration for the children at the school and has been widely acclaimed for its success ... [ more ]

NMS Students Again Score Highest in County in National Exams

May 16, 2021 - Once again, Nambale Magnet School has ranked #1 the county in the most recent Eight Grade National Exams, with NMS students acheiving a mean score of just over 373. The National Eight Grade Exam determines the future of all Kenyan children's education. With these high scores, the children can go on to good high schools and higher learning ... [ more ]

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